The PortaSki for kids?

Every once in awhile we have some great idea, an invention so to speak… We share the idea with all our friends. Sometimes jokingly. Sometimes seriously. Like last weekend… we went skiing and my son wore this shirt: Ā It is a cheap Old Navy shirt we got on clearance, nothing special. But when he spilled…

Expect[ing] to Thrive: Hiking, skiing, and international travel during pregnancy!

Maybe you are enjoying this Saturday morning, watching the leaves change out your window. Today, our friend Tanya is taking the reins and sharing her fit pregnancy story. Let her inspire you to get out an enjoy the changing seasons! She lovesĀ hiking, camping, skiing, paddling, biking and all things mountain-related. Tanya is the author of…

The depressing state of our snowfall…

OBN (Outdoor Blogger Network) asked how the snowfall was in our neck of the woods (Utah) this year. In one word: deĀ·pressĀ·ing/diĖˆpresiNG/ Adjective: Causing or resulting in a feeling of miserable dejection In one photo? The one above. Ā We got 2 inches of snow one day and the poor kids in the neighborhood scraped every…