A Guide to Green Crafting [Guest Post!]

Well, us Erickson’s are out and about, in Moab, UT enjoying come great friends along with camping for the first time in our new-to-us 1964 Terry camper trailer. Keep up with us on Facebook and Twitter. For now, I am excited to introduce you to guest blogger Katherine Simms, who is gracing us with some inspiring posts on green living! 

My goal for this post is to be more of a getting ready guide/checklist to green crafting.  There are lots of great ideas around the web that you can do with your kids, but the setup and execution can also be eco.  I have included links to some kid friendly eco crafts that I especially enjoy.

Recycled Materials

There are lots of materials around your house or in your recycling bin that can be used for crafting.  It seems easy to grab for the Ziploc bags, but reusing containers is better for several reasons.  First, they can be washed out (sometimes in the dishwasher) and used again, they are far more durable, they are easy to organize/stack, and it shows your kids how to be resourceful and eco at the same time.

Plastic Containers

  • Large Containers – hold water, large amounts of paint, brushes, rocks. Salad containers can hold fabric pieces, or save and protect a project for later
  • Lids – great to use as molds for making soap and home-made crayons
  • Bottle Caps – hold a small amount of paint, beads, seeds, sand
  • Small Containers – keep play-dough soft
  • Allow your kids to decorate their own plastic containers for crafting.  Personalize them with stickers, sharpie markers, glitter, etc.
  • Plastic containers are often easier for to kids to open
  • Safe to use with toddlers and won’t break if dropped

Glass Containers

  • Lots of the same uses as plastic containers
  • More durable than plastic
  • Easily painted and decorated, or etched
  • Great for decorating and giving gifts
Fabric Pieces
  • Old sheets and pillow cases can be used as table covers or individual craft place mats
  • Can be washed and reused
  • Spills are easily cleaned up and the cloth thrown out (if necessary)
  • Cut them up to use for forts
  • Cut and decorate with sharpies, fabric markers, puff paints, or fabric glue and ribbon to use for costumes and gift-wrap
  • Use old t-shirts to make necklaces and scarves for yourself or gifts
Odds and Ends
  • Paper napkins, stationary, and scrapbook pages can be cut and Modge Podged onto tiles to make coasters

Let your eco spirit and imagination run free as you take crafting to a whole new level.  Think outside the box when it comes to storage, clean up, and use of recycled materials.  The best part about using recycled items it that is easy on the earth and easy on your wallet.  Include your kids in finding new uses for old items and crafting together.

Thanks to Alyssa from the Kid Project for inviting me to guest blog.  For more green ideas as well as ways to get your kids to work together check out my blog .

Katy Simms is a Family Communication and Behavior Consultant in the Denver metro area with a degree in family and personal communication. She offers easy-to-execute, fun ideas that help families manage stress, stay organized, and communicate productively.
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