Lets face it, while the outdoors are generally free- the gear needed to enjoy them is not. In fact it can be quite pricey. And as we’ve added kids into the mix, we have added a whole new level of cost to our adventures. Kids can be hard to gear up. They are constantly growing, easily become cold, can be difficult to fit, and hard on stuff. Function/durability/cost -kids gear can be quite the endeavor! And we’ve learned when it comes to performance gear- you get what you pay for…most of the time.
Here are some sites that have helped us cut those high cost corners. At least slightly…
Departmentofgoods.com (outlet site for Backcountry.com)
REI.com/outlet (have it shipped to the nearest store for pick-up and shipping is free)
gearexpress.biz – climbing gear mainly
Outdoorgearlab.com – an gear review site that will price compare for you and tell you the sites to visit.
Have you found others? Please share in the comments section. Happy shopping!