Kids Bored around camp? [Crafts and Activities]

OK, you are right. There is no such thing as kids getting bored around camp. Usually.

But when you have been camping for 5 days and still have a few more before you leave? Sometimes you need to change it up a bit.  Not to mention those famously few camping trips where weather keeps you stuck inside whatever “portable” home you have, be it a tent or a camper.

This happened to us in Moab this spring. Drilling winds, laden with fine sand, brought many of us to our wits end. And I was oh so thankful I decided ahead of time to “get creative” and pack a craft box. Here are some of the things we did:

My good mommy friend planned a scavenger hunt of sorts:

  • paper bag
  • list of items to find
  • contact paper
  • scissors




In turn, we made keepsakes/pressed flowers/bookmarks.

By pressing the scavenger hunt items into contact paper. Simply cut contact paper and fold over. Press. If you want the flowers pressed very thin, stack some books on top… or a rock :).



A quick trip to the Dollar Store before hand, left us with plenty of colorful bags to decorate with puffy paint.

Just remember, if you are doing this inside, maybe bring a newspaper. Fabric paints and sleeping bags don’t mix to well…

And if you do the bags first, you can use them for the scavenger hunt later!

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