Hey fellow climbers today’s giveaway is for you! And I’ll give you a little hint: Check back Thursday for another chance to win a pair of your choice of climbing shoes and a chalk bag from Mad Rock! We’ve worked with Mad Rock for roughly a year now and have enjoyed the shoes we’ve tried.
We also love their kid’s climbing shoes. And if you are wondering if kid’s climbing shoes are really worth it, here are our thoughts on that: Are kid’s climbing shoes really worth it?
Peruse Mad Rock’s full line of climbing shoes and then use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter this giveaway. Entries are easy and free.
1. and 2. entries for liking The Kid Project and Mad Rock Climbing on Facebook.
3. For telling us which shoe you’d want and where you would use it in the comments section of this post.
4. Subscribe by email to The Kid Project blog on the right side bar.
I think I would want the flash or phoenix…anything to get me to stop being such a wimp about the sport. For a while it would just be gym climbing until it warms up and I’m not preggo!
I want the Mad Rock Mad Monkey 2.0 for my son!! Trying to build our climbing gear since we use rentals right now at the gym!
Those Mad Rock Monkeys are so cute! I’m looking for good shoes in multiple sizes for my kiddo, so we’re not shelling out $50/year for the next 15 years for his rock shoes. Though, I would gladly pay that if it’s what it costs to climb with my son. I love this sport.
We would love to have a pair of kids’ Mad Monkey shoes for my son. Right now he just uses swim shoes or indoor running shoes. We’d use them at an indoor climbing gym here. We have a harness but just need the shoes now.
It would depend on how the kids are behaving! Either the mad monkeys or the Shark 2.0 for me!! I’d use them along the Seward Highway in Anchorage, when the snow clears!
Def the Concepts…love them!!! Will use them in yosemite when i get down there!
Yosemite! Good answer. Jealous!
I would let the hubbs pick a new pair of shoes. His are crying for retirement! And we would use them in the gunks! Picking up an annual pass today for their cyber Monday sale.
Fun giveaway Alyssa! I would have to go with your expertise on a shoe choice since I’m a beginner climber and don’t know too much about gear, but want to do more climbing in the future! So whatever you would recommend
Lacy, honestly I love the Flash 2.0. Great beginner shoe. But I find it performs where really well. Mostly they are comfortable!
Good to know, thanks!
I would get mad rock kids’ shoes. We’ll use them here at the Ledges and in Red River Gorge this summer.
I love the Flash 2.0! Of course it would be great to score a pair of Mad Monkey 2.0’s for my little climber!
The M5 looks like a great shoe!
And I would use them all over the canyons here in Utah!
I agree! The M5 has been reviewed well and is next on my list!
I would get the mad monkey shoe for my daughter. She would be so excited to have her own rock shoes!
My son just finished his first climbing course so a pair of mad monkey’s would be great for him… that said, he wants to climb with mommy which means I need to get back in the sport and get some gear too – so a pair of Shark’s for mommy
I would love to win a pair of Mad Monkey 2s for my daughter. She took a rock climbing class at our local gym and loved it. She would be thrilled to have her own shoes.
def the mad rock monkey for our daughter…. love that it cinches at the heal and will make for a great fit for an extended period of climbing (kids grow so fast!)…. great idea Mad Rock!!
Would love a pair of Mad Monkeys for my little guy to use in the gym or out bouldering with Dad!
So great to see all these kids who want to climb!
Mad monkeys for my son. He’s too young now…but as soon as he can climb out of the crib I’d like to teach him safe climb techniques!
The Monkeys! Anywhere in the Southeast for us – especially our home crag – Steele
I would choose the monkeys for my daughter, in the smallest size they make. We’d use them at Taylors Falls, and at the indoor climbing gym here in the twin cities!
I would love the Demon 2.0. J-Man just got a new pair of shoes and I’m in need of new ones to help get him on the rock. Where would I use them you ask? Bwuahahahahahaha All over Moab!
I like the looks of the Demon 2.0. With a name that’s aggressive menacing as “Demon,” how could one go wrong?
They all look the same to me. I better have Chris tell me which ones to get.
Oh…and, uh…I’d use them on my feet. Kind of a strange question, but whatever floats your boat.
I would love the Concept 2.0! just begining at the gym
I wouldn’t get these shoes for myself, but for a friend who helped me this past year in our project North Texas Kids Outside. She was the MOST dedicated and helpful in getting 16 families outside and she loves rock climbing. I bet she’d use them at Lake Mineral Wells in TX or out in East TX during grad school study breaks
Bridget would love Mad Monkey’s 2.0 size 11 and would use them at MetroRock climbing gym until she felt comfortable doing technical climbing outside!
Depending on sizing, probably the Mad Monkey 2.0 for my daughter. She is trying out for the “teen” climbing team (more of a club) at the local gym on Dec. 10th.
Ryan – If she is a more aggressive climber and trying out for a team I might go with a more aggressive shoe! Just my opinion. The M5 has review well.
Mad rock monkeys would be a great way to start my little climbing. Initially she would just be climbing in our local gym, Petra Cliffs.
My nephew is climbing in 4th grade. Really enjoying it and I’d let him choose anything he needs. I like the Shark 2.0 shoes.
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The mad monkeys for one of the kids for when we take them climbing at Cochise stronghold.
Definitely the Mad Monkey for the kids and the M5 for me! We have 2 gift cards for the climbing gym that we haven’t used – really need to get there and wear the new shoes we get from this give-a-way!
phoenix or Drifter but who wouldnt kill for the Shark 2.0 ? Ill wear them in outdoor evens
We’d definitely love a pair of Mad Rock Mad Monkey shoes for our boys! We do most of our climbing on the small crags around Southwest Montana….. but look forward to getting them out to some of our favorite climbing spots in Utah!