What is it that drives you out in to the mountains, on to the water, or in to the storm?
This is a question that I ask myself a lot. And my answers are usually different depending on the day.
But this day, in July, my reason to load on a 40+ lbs. backpack and hit the trail was for these women. All 13 of them, but specifically these two, my mom and my daughter.
How often do three generations of girls get a chance to head into the backcountry together??
I wanted to share this experience with my mom, and I wanted to introduce my daughter to what I love most about the mountains.
Below is a gallery of our time in the Sawatch Range of Colorado:

Every year, 14 women from Colorado and Utah come together to tick one (or a few) 14ers off the list. This year the main goal was Huron. This would also be my daughter’s first attempt at summiting a 14er.

The next day we woke up at 3 a.m. to hike Huron Peak. My daughter was instantly ill, but in a spirit of toughness she still made it to 12,000 ft. But we knew making it to the summit was not going to happen when she couldn’t keep any food down. I am amazed by her resilience.

We all remembered that more than a goal or objective, it is the people who are with us that matter most.
Have you gone on a multi-generational trip? What was your favorite part?