Grownup Goals

There are some people out there who can do what they’re “supposed to” without much tangible motivation. They are patient with their kids because they are naturally patient, rather than because they see a greater purpose in being patient. They work out “just to take care of themselves”. They are the model of faithfulness. I…

Beginning the Taper

Well, I made it. Last September I decided (to try) to learn to like running. I had been running here and there, off and on, all summer. In September, I decided to chose a goal (first I thought I’d try a half marathon, then decided “go big or go home” and I entered the lottery…


I’ve always hated running. Torture. Boring. Painful. All are words that come to mind when I conjure up the image of plodding my feet down the road, one after another, pounding away at my knee cartilage. It begs the question, how is it that I’m signed up for a marathon next May? I’ve always wanted…