A small pet peeve…

Call it a small pet peeve, call it a large one. Probably a large one…here it is: I hate it when people are fake. Similarly, I hate the thought of presenting an image that is incomplete or misleading. And here is the thing. In this place called the Internet we can manufacture an appearance. We…

When your kid drags his feet…

How often do you spend all week coming up with an outdoor adventure plan, spend Friday night packing for it, and spend Saturday morning urging your not-so-excited kid out the door? They are reluctant. They want to watch Saturday morning cartoons. If your family was a ship- they aren’t on board. I know this kid…cause…

Swallowing our pride…

Solitude Mountain Resort opened last week and being that we are 1. excited to see the snow again or 2. insane…we decided to take the kiddos up and check it out. We’ve never been to Solitude- so we had no clue what to expect. It was also the kid’s first day on skis this season….

The Beco II Butterfly-A Must Have

We have three kids. But the number of kid transportation devices we have is simply ridiculous. We have had: an umbrella stroller, a single jogger and a double jogger, a double sit/stand stroller, two bike trailers, a co-pilot bike seat (kind that mounts behind), a Bjorn, a REI framed kid backpack complete with Camelbak pouch…