A small but meaningful break…

We’ve been talking about that short but intense period of life when we have a newborn baby in the house. [We’ve covered breastfeeding, scheduling, and those hard first weeks.] This morning I was sitting in my chair, little boy on my lap, racing his cars around and I thought, I might be a mommy blogger,…

The depressing state of our snowfall…

OBN (Outdoor Blogger Network) asked how the snowfall was in our neck of the woods (Utah) this year. In one word: de·press·ing/diˈpresiNG/ Adjective: Causing or resulting in a feeling of miserable dejection In one photo? The one above.  We got 2 inches of snow one day and the poor kids in the neighborhood scraped every…

Pulled Pork Variations (part 2)

You have made a whole crock pot of pulled pork or chicken.  Now what do we do with all of it?  Because this recipe isn’t overly BBQ or seasoned strongly- it works in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas I have explored…and loved. Simple Pulled Pork and Coleslaw Sandwich : Pulled Pork/chicken Buns/Hogies BBQ…

Word for the year:

So last year I was asked by my yoga instructor to come up with one word that describes something I want to pursue, change or experience during the up and coming year. To set an intention, so to speak. Last year my word was “tranquil.” This made sense to me. We had a lot of…

Brown paper packages, tied up with string…

There are all sorts of Holiday goodies going on around this house.  And lots of family here too!  So we are taking a break from the blogging world and spending time with people. Which is what we are about here at the Kid Project anyways!  So get off our site and go talk with someone…