We love our Striders and they go everywhere with us. They are marketed as a “No Pedal Balance Bike” teaching kids to balance and steer before the complicated task of pedaling. We got our first Strider for our son at about 22 months old. One plus: as they transition to pedaling, they never need training wheels!
The Striders load easily in the car and are great to bring to parks, on walks, camping, or on road trips for the necessary pit stops.
Why we like Strider brand verses other balance bikes:
1. Light weight – 7 lbs. making it easy for kids to maneuver and carry on their own.
2. Foot rails for standing up on once they have mastered balancing.
3. Very durable, with wheels that can never go flat.
4. Thoughtful engineering – see the video at http://www.stridersports.com/for more details.
Lindy rode her Strider for 5 months. When we got her a pedal bike she was riding without me holding her within 5 minutes. The Strider made it so easy to transition to a real bike. No need for training wheels.