Christmas comes every year and grandparents start asking what to give the kids, and I start wondering what to do after I’ve given them all my ideas. This year I made a list of useful things – not to expensive – that the kids would love but also satisfy some need in their outdoor gear. It is a win/win!
Camelbak Better Bottle (32 fl. oz.) $15.00
Camelbak bottles are awesome! Skip the kid sized ones (13 fl. oz.) – they will easily drain those and need constant refills. Why I love them? Cause every family member can drink out of it easily. Even the baby who still nurses or uses a bottle! The bite/suck valve is intuitive even to the youngest amongst us.
Blackdiamond Wizkid Headlamp $18.95
Cause every kids wants to be just like Mom and Dad. So put an end to the constant, “can I wear your headlamp?” They’ll have fun playing with them all winter and come next summer-super useful.
REI Peruvian style hats (kids) – $16.50 and up
There are different variations on the Peruvian hat- but the most important features are the ear flaps and fleece that come low on the kids necks to keep them warm and happy. I love these hats! They wash well and fit for a couple seasons.
Mad Rock Chalk Bag (kids)- $9.95
Cause they always want what the grown ups have…
Acorn Bootie Fleece Slippers $19.95
Durable, comfortable, and stay on the feet… for those munchkins that always seem to want shoes on around the house.
Chili’s polarized kids sunglasses – $9.95
Whether a fun day at the pool or blinding glare off fresh powder- you cannot go wrong. Higher quality than the grocery store glasses and less prone to fall apart yet not so expensive that you hyperventilate when they loose them.