A Tour of Our Airstream Safari

If you have been following along on social media via Facebook or Instagram, then you know that we recently purchased a 25′ Airstream Safari SS. The story to ownership is truly an adventure in itself. One that involved driving to Santa Rosa, CA after one of Chris trail running races, examining the Airstream in 107…

Embrace the Semicolon

Right now the warm water is pressing up to my toes, as my heels sink down in the sand. The mountains are green from the fresh snowmelt and somewhere in them are my two oldest children, away at their first overnight camp. I am not gonna lie, we’ve been struggling with our kids getting older….

The Best Summer Road Trips

There is no better time to hit the open road with your family then during the summer. In fact, I am going to order you to pack your car. Grab the family. And just go. Below are a collection of favorite summer road trips from families that travel a lot with their kids. They’ve done…

Thankful For Families [2016 Instagram Giveaway!]

Every November, social media becomes flush with “Thankfulness challenges” and similar sentiments. And honestly, this year I internally thought, “Here we go again, how trite.” And how wrong of me! For if there is one thing in life I seek to be, it is a person full of gratitude! Thankfulness is never overused, unoriginal, or…