Happy Monday everyone!! It is going to be an awesome week because we are giving away some awesome outdoor gear EVERYDAY this week. This gear has been tried and tested for the last few months and we are excited to share it with you! Join us on Facebook for more conversation on must-have camping and outdoor gear all week!
What is an ENO Hammock?
After years of camping with and without kids, I’ve come to the decision that everyone should have a hammock. I am not picky on type. Just get one.
And if you don’t have one, consider an ENO hammock. Join us this summer as we adventure into the land of backpacking with kids! We’ll be taking our ENO with us!
Here are some of the ENO hammock features that sets them above and beyond a normal hammock:
- Made from breathable, quick drying nylon
- Super light
- Most pack down to the size of a grapefruit, but you can get ones as small as a softball!
- They come in single or double (2 person) nest sizes
- You can get one with insect repellant fabric – sweet!
- Using the Altas Suspension system, my husband put it up in less than two minutes.
Why is it a Multi-Tasking Must Have?
After all, a hammock is only ever a hammock, right? True.
But not all hammocks are equal. In fact, I’ve never had our backyard hammock for lounging be the same hammock my husband packed up in 2 minutes, tossed in his gear bag and hauled off on a 3 day climbing trip, instead of bringing a tent!
Uses Include:
Picnics or afternoons at the park.
Car camping: It took my husband 5 minutes to set up his sleep area when arriving in Red Rocks, NV!
Camping with kids: They are great for nap time, story time and as a swing during playtime!
Backpacking: Lose the tent and go ultralight. Just make sure you have some trees to hang from. 🙂
This one hammock can satisfy the outdoor mommy and the hardcore backpacker alike!
Join us tomorrow for our discussion of the Hydroflask and another sweet giveaway! Happy hanging everyone!
Where is our favorite place to camp? Hoffmaster is a great one near Grand Haven, Michigan! Amazing trails, great wooded camps sites, right on Lake Michigan with wonderful surf and swim areas that are perfect for little kids who want to play in shallow waters and perfect for SUP paddlers a bit further out from shore. Yippy for Spring! Yippy for spring! Casual car camping is upon us once more!
Love to camp in the Canadian Rockies, though it sure can be cold at night.
Ludington state park in Michigan
We love Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta, Canada and we love Waterton Lakes National Park on the southern border of Canada.
Would love an Eno hammock. We can’t take ours backpacking because it’s too heavy. And We LOVE having a hammock. It occupies the kids for hours!!!
Any where we can. Our LO is 12 months old. Planning on starting in our backyard this summer and going from there.
Deer camp is my favorite camp
Summers in Michigan had some great camping! But my favorite camping experience so far has actually been Guadalupe with the hubby! Our first campout!
There is nothing better than setting up shop anywhere in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. And being I can see Mt. Washington from my living room, its a short drive to get there.
Anywhere that I can get out with my kids
Any place close, more time for fun, less in the car.
My favorite place to camp is in the Boundary Waters, MN. 🙂
My favorite place to camp is Yosemite. We’re going back this summer and we will be taking my husband’s Eno. I’d love to have one of my own too! His Eno has been with him to Zimbabwe and is now with him in Haiti. It’s a great travel accessory whether or not you are camping or just in “camp-like” conditions. 🙂
the flattops in the colorado rocky mountains
Bryce Canyon, or the Mogollon Rim, or Mt. Lemmon or…maybe just anyplace slightly removed.
Our favorite place to camp is Big Sur, for sure! So gorgeous!!
When I lived in the lower 48, City of Rocks! The campsite with the cave!
One of my favorite places to camp is the pine forests in Northern Arizona!
Sand Flats in Moab!
Here in AK we have several beautiful options for camping. One of my favorites has become Clam Gulch simply because we make it an annual trip with other families and have many fond memories.
Very curious about these ENO hammocks.
We love to camp where the kids can get loud and we won’t be “those people”! Specifically, I love camping along ozark streams.
Love camping anywhere – just being outdoors is rejuvenating. We especially love camping in the Canadian wilderness, by the ocean, and in the Adirondack’s!
I love camping at Sugar Pine Point State Park in Tahoe. Flat campsites and close to loads of fun stuff. Hikes, Lake Tahoe, rafting, rivers, waterfalls, Reno.
So many places to camp…my favorite might be along the West Boulder River.
We would love to go to Yosemite w/the boyz this year. We don’t have a “favorite” but last year we went to Klamath and loved it. I love Big Sur.
Thank you for the giveaway.
Tough question….spring camping in Fruita (18 rd) or Moab (Sand Flats or Prostitute Butte). Summer camping in Pagosa Springs, CO, in Oregon at (Strawberry Lake in the Strawberry Mountain Wilderness, or Wallowa Lake)….or Mt. Rainer or Orcas Island in Washington. Fall camping in Maine at Wolfeneck Farm. Winter camping in Moab or on the Oregon Coast. : ) I can never narrow it down to just one! I am looking forward to exploring Wyoming and Montana with my family this summer. I’m sure I’ll be adding to my list.
Red Wing, MN is beautiful and a great place to camp.
I love that it can be used in the yard, and on the trail.
Our favorite place to camp is in Ocoee,TN. Theres nothing better than the beautiful scenery, white water rafting, and a short drive!When weather permits(we have small children), we go every weekend
Our favorite place to camp is in Northern Maine. The woods never seem to end there and we don’t see people for days! AMAZING!
So many places, but my fav. so far has been Lassen Volcanic National Park! Awesome!
We love to camp at Bellows beach on Oahu
New Hampshire
My favourite place to camp has always been by the beach. Leo Carillo State Park is an all-time fave because we can camp on beach of in wooded site, hike the mountain trails, fish, surf, scuba, etc. 🙂
We love camping anywhere, really. Island Park, Idaho is beautiful.
Moab, Utah!
My favorite place is Tony Grove in Logan Canyon, Utah
I love to camp in our back yard. Then my little kids can go back in if they are cold or tired.
Would love to win this hammock! Thanks for the giveaway!
Marble Mountains California
By a river or lake:)
In the mountains. I love the early morning views.
Every year we test our gear at a local RV park – it has become a silly event for a big group of us – I know it sounds crazy but it’s my favorite site because it kicks off the camping season – we play shuffleboard, swim, hike at night, and basically pretend camp while making adjustments!!
RAGBRAI every summer, yes it’s hot, but what’s better than getting to spend a week on your bike and enjoy the outdoors, with very little connection to the outside world.
In the mountains of Colorado… but only because we live in Colorado so it’s super convenient!
Mountains anywhere.
anywhere and everywhere, but if I have to choose 1 place, it would be Waterton Lakes National Park! much less bustle than Banff, at least as gorgeous, and so many great hikes!
In Labyrinth Canyon in Utah, with the Green river flowing by.
Mt. Rainier National Park.
San Bernardino Mountains. They are only an hour drive from our home so we can do last minutes trips. 🙂
My family loves to camp in the Rio Grande Gorge in Northern New Mexico. We’ve been going there for over 20 years!
Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada or my backyard with your little ones.
I love to camp in the backcountry while hunting!
anywhere in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. along the border route especially.
Kanopolis State Park in Kansas!!!
On the Buffalo River in Arkansas!
My favorite camping destination is the Boundary Waters (or anywhere else I can get away too, really.)
Make a great gift for my husband
I’m a huge fan of camping in smaller campgrounds here in Pennsylvania. It’s the perfect way to get away for a quick weekend without getting far from home! (Thanks for running this giveaway!)
This would be great to bring camping with the kids!
Our favorite place to camp so far is Acadia National Park in Maine. Looking forward to exploring the parks in our new home of Colorado this summer!
I love Red River Gorge and, of course, the back yard!
The beaches of Kodiak, Alaska.
We love to camp in Pentwater, MI. Its on the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan. But we also have access to a smaller lake, nice quite campground, and a sweet little town nearby that always feels safe.
We love finding hidden gems anywhere off the beaten path.
If I’m not camping in my friends’ backyards or the forests of my hometown, I thoroughly enjoy camping at any of the lakes in Southwest Virginia or East Tennessee (South Holston, Boone, or Watauga Lake).
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I love to camp down in the woods by a small river or pond with a good fire brewing and of course my ENO hammock!!
Love ENO hammocks!
The backyard. 🙂
Favorite place to camp? I have older parents than most… so i have never been. but it looks beyond fun, and I am getting old enough to do it on my own. Therefore that is why i need this hammock, so i can experience the fun of camping.