KP Tip: Help! I am traveling by airplane with my kids!

If you are part of our Facebook community, then you know that a few weeks ago, we started our all new Kid Project Tip Series! We will be publishing new tip videos every week on our Facebook and YouTube channels!

Since it is super easy to miss things via social media, I will be summarizing and sharing the videos each week in a blog post as well. Make sure to subscribe on the right side bar if you want them delivered to your inbox each week! Don’t miss last week’s video: Layering your Toddler for Winter Activities

(#giveaway at bottom) Anyone ever feel like instagram feels up their mind with awesome pictures and constantly adds destinations to their bucket list, but at the end of the day, you really aren’t any better for looking at these things? So, our big question is, what are your dreams, and how can we help you move a step closer to achieving them? Do you want tips, suggestions, or advice? Is there a specific aspect of your life that you think we can help you love more? Do you want more reality checks and stories of crying kids, puke, and trying to find things to laugh about in spite of it all? Are you looking for more advice on travel, adventure, or even every day family life? Now, we’re on a quest to fill people’s feeds with happiness. Check out our stories for some of our favorite inspirational accounts we’ve found recently that we’re filling our own feed up with! (If you have other inspirational accounts you LOVE, please tell us what they are). So, now to the giveaway. Our friends over at @buff_usa sent us some awesome hats that we’re going to give away (check them out in our stories) To enter, just comment on any of questions that we asked above. The more questions you answer (one per comment) the more chances you have to win! Happy Friday friends – may your weekend be full of inspiration! . . . #bringthekids #sharelove #spreadhappiness #bethechange #positivelife #inspire

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Tips for Traveling by Airplane with your Kids

Everything becomes more epic when kids are involved. But one of the most dreaded milestones of parenthood is the first (or fourth) airplane trip with your kids! Will your baby cry all the time? Will your toddler throw a fit? Will your kids be bored?

I don’t have all the answers to these questions but I did get a chance to catch up with my friend Jessica from Bring the Kids. This family has more street cred than any I’ve ever known!

30 countries in the last 4 years, all with their five kids ages 9 months through age 10! So I asked her, “What would you share about traveling internationally with your kids? And what is your top tip for us as parents that are traveling by airplane?”

Her answer might surprise you.

You can follow Jessica and her family at:

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